JANUARY 2022 - We wish all of our members, friends and supporters a healthy, safe and happy New Year!
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 7:15 PM. This meeting will be held both IN-PERSON at the Bernard Horwich J.C.C. and via Zoom. Please check your email for the meeting link.
Our "hybrid" meeting on January 11 was a huge success! Over 30 members attended both in-person and via Zoom. We plan to do this type of meeting again in February.
Mazel Tov to our recording secretary, Ari Briskman on his well deserved promotion to the rank of Sergeant for the Lake County Sheriff's Office (LCSO). We are confident that Ari will be a true leader and mentor to the officers serving under him.
We spoke to past president and charter member Leroy Levy recently. Leroy and his lovely wife, Irma have had some health issues but are now doing fine. Leroy sends his regards to all of you.
Mazel Tov to all seven of our 2022 scholarship recipients. Kaelyn Parrott, a senior at the University of Missouri received the first ever, "Rusty Cohen Legacy Scholarship." Kaelyn is the daughter of board member (Chief) Jay Parrott. Congratulations to all!
We just spoke to Lifetime member and our former treasurer, Marv Shear who's currently (not permanently) down in Florida. Many of you who worked for CPD remember Marv from his days in the Finance Division and later as a deputy chief, but probably few of you know that Marv was a rock-em, sock-em tactical officer in the old 20th District in the early 70s, and one of the best cops I ever met. Hopefully we'll see Marv at a meeting in the future!
FEBRUARY 2022 - Snow, snow, snow … well, it IS winter in Chicago! Some of our members, like Dave Welbel, Steve Chasen, Val Roytman, Barry Silverberg, and Jerry Marks escaped Chicago for the winter to Florida either full or part-time. Others, like Mike Wolff & Mike Fryer are in Arizona. Please bring some of that warmth & sunshine back home with you!
Our next meeting will be on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2022 at 7:15 PM. This will be a Zoom meeting only due to a scheduling conflict at the JCC. An email will be sent to you with the link.
President Appel had been working really hard on our annual reception, scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022 at the Hilton DoubleTree in Skokie. We will be having a program book as well. As we have had no events for the past two years, our revenues have really fallen, so let's all get behind this event which directly supports our scholarship fund.
Check out our "Upcoming Events" page for events we have planned so far for 2022. Just hover your cursor over "Upcoming Events" and you'll see the various things coming up. Emails regarding all these events will be coming soon!
MARCH 2022 - For the first time in just about two years, our March meeting will be totally in person!
Our March meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 7:15 PM at the Horwich J.C.C., 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago. This will be in person; no Zoom component will be available. Light refreshments will be available but bring your own coffee, soft drink or water because due to Covid restrictions, the "J" won't be able to offer us coffee at this time. Proof of vaccine is NOT required and masks are no longer required, but recommended.
Our Lox & Bagel Shoot is scheduled for Sunday, May 15, 2022, at the Caliber Gun Range in Waukegan, Illinois. This is a member's only event; the first forty (40) members to sign up through our website may attend. Check out the Lox & Bagel registration page under "Upcoming Events" on the site. The $10.00 registration fee will allow you to shoot, eat and schmooze with other members!
Our condolences to former Board member Ellyn Weiss Schmitz on the recent loss of her father, Benjamin Weiss. May his memory be for a blessing.
GOLFERS! We are in the process of finalizing our annual Golf Outing. The tentative date is Monday, August 8, 2022 at the Arboretum Club in Buffalo Grove. We were rained out in 2019 and due to Covid, we did not have golf outings in 2020 or 2021, so we're looking forward to a great day of golf, food and prizes on August 8!
APRIL 2022 - Welcome to Spring! The weather will (eventually) get warmer and that feeds right into some of our upcoming events ... especially the picnic on July 31 and the golf outing on August 8. Mark your calendars now.
Sign up NOW for the Lox & Bagel Shoot scheduled for Sunday, May 15 at the Caliber Gun Club in Waukegan. Go to our website for all the event and payment information.
We will be participating in the Greater Chicago Jewish Festival on Sunday, June 15. Chairman for this event is Elliot Cohen with co-chairs Joanna Benjamin and Ron Swidler. We will have a Shomrim table set up and will be looking for volunteers to promote our organization. You'll receive an email in the near future.
Mazel Tov to former Board member Tony Rubens, currently a CPD detective on his promotion to the rank of Sergeant!
Our Recording Secretary, Sergeant Ari Briskman of the Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Department did a great job explaining the hazards of texting and driving to NBC 5's Kye Martin. Click on the link to see the interview. fb.watch/chsFgXRUu9/
We had a GREAT meeting on April 12! The meeting was well attended and some interesting issues were raised and discussed. Thanks to over 25 members who attended and enjoyed each other's company!
Mazel Tov to our immediate past president, Tamara Margolis, Board member Andy Block and member Heather Daniel, all Chicago Police Lieutenants who have been selected to start Captain's training for future Captain's vacancies!
We are sad to announce the passing of longtime member Bernard (Bernie) Weisman, 77 years of age. Bernie served in Vietnam and then joined the Chicago Police Department in 1968. He was promoted to Detective, a position he served in until his retirement in 1997. Our condolences to Bernie's family. May his memory be for a blessing.
Our sincere condolences to Miriam and David Appel on the passing of Miriam's beloved mother, Deborah Sheinin. Services have been held. May her memory be for a blessing.
On April 20, the FOP, Chicago Lodge 7 sponsored a general membership meeting at which all ethnic police organizations were invited to bring food for the membership relative to their ethnicity. We were prominently represented with sandwiches from non-other than Manny's Deli! Our sincere thanks to Dan Raskin, owner of Manny's for his generous support. Board members Harold Brown and Joanna Benjamin "manned and woman'd" our table to answer any and all questions about the Shomrim Society of Illinois. Great job, guys!
MAY 2022 - Thanks to all of our members who have been working so tirelessly on the street protecting their cities & villages, especially with days off being canceled and working 12-hour shifts. While the naysayers get most of the media attention, the large majority of residents and business owners do appreciate your efforts.
The Greater Chicagoland Jewish Festival will be held for the first time in four years on Sunday, June 12, 2022 in the Cook County Forest Preserve on Oakton Avenue in Morton Grove. The Shomrim Society is participating in this event with an information booth as well as providing a portion of the security for the fest. If you are interested in participating, please contact Chairman Elliot Cohen or co-chairs Joanna Benjamin and Ron Swidler for more information.
Our first Lox & Bagel Shoot in ten years was a resounding success! Director of Special Activities Elliot Cohen & Board member Joanna Benjamin did a spectacular job coordinating this event. Over 40 Shomrim members and guests enjoyed a wonderful lox & bagel breakfast, provided by former "Woman of the Year," Amy Stoken. The volunteers from CCL Shul worked tirelessly all morning on the range and in the classroom, making sure all our members & guests were safe and had an enjoyable day. We truly appreciate Amy & CCL Shul's help and support. We've posted some pictures under the "Past Events" tab, so check them out!
JUNE 2022 - As we move into the summer months, we are excited about our upcoming events … events we have not held since 2019 due to Covid. Our June 12 participation in the Greater Chicago Jewish Festival will give is the opportunity to showcase our organization. On July 31, our annual picnic is back at Camp Apachi in Northbrook and promises to be bigger and better if that's possible! And get your clubs cleaned for our annual golf outing on August 8. Specifics on all these events will be posted on our website and you'll be receiving emails as we move forward.
Mazel Tov to longtime Honorary Member Heather Daniel on her promotion to the rank of District Commander of the 16th District for the Chicago Police Department. An attorney, Heather had held a number of key positions within the CPD both in operations and administration. We wish Heather great success as she embarks on this new journey in her career!
JULY 2022 - Summer is upon us in full force! We understand the challenges for all of our first responders during the warm weather, especially with days-off canceled and 12-hour work shifts. We pray that for all of our first responders to come home safely after their tours of duty.
Mazel Tov to Associate member Barry Goldberg on his victory in the Democratic primary for Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County in the 9th sub-circuit. While we cannot officially endorse candidates, please remember Barry's name in the general election scheduled for November 8, 2022.
It's picnic time this month! Please review your email and respond to the Evite that was sent to all of our members. If you misplaced or inadvertently deleted it, just let us know and we'll get another one to you. Justin & Amy Homer have been doing a wonderful job putting our picnic together and we already have over 90 members and guests who have responded that they'll be there. Come on out, eat some of the great food (dietary laws observed), swim in the pool, play some games, buy some of the new Shomrim tee-shirts and take a chance on some of the great raffle prizes. Most importantly, see some friends you haven't seen in a while due to Covid and spend some time schmoozing! Once again, the picnic is scheduled for Sunday, July 31, 2022 from 12:00 - 4:00 PM at Camp Apachi in Northbrook, Illinois. We hope to see you there.
The July, 2022 meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 12 is for Board members only and will be held via Zoom. Board members will receive a link to join in the meeting.
Mazel Tov to our member Ariella Lowe, a former Northwestern University police officer. Ariella was sworn in as a member of the Skokie Police Department at the Village of Skokie's Board meeting on July 18. We wish Ariella much success on her new journey!
AUGUST 2022 - Our annual picnic held on Sunday, July 31 was a smashing success! Over 175 members, their families and our guests dined on delicious food; the children had a great time playing various games, a demonstration by a police canine unit was awesome and our attendees won some great raffle prizes. Kudos to our picnic Chairs, Justin & Amy Homer who did an absolutely wonderful job coordinating and managing this event. We would also like to thank the volunteers who arrived early to set up and stayed late to clean up. A big thank you as well to the Jewish Federation / J.C.C. for their generous hospitality. And finally … thanks to the weather people for giving us an absolutely gorgeous day!
Just a reminder that there will not be an August Shomrim meeting. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Meeting dates for September through December are posted under our meeting schedule tab above.
Mazel Tov to 1st Vice President Justin Homer, member(s) Matt Rochman & Jeremy Carter and former member Cheryl Welbel on their promotion(s) to the rank of Detective on the Chicago Police Department.
Hats off to founding member and Golf Outing Chairman Sonny Lukatsky for coordinating our annual golf outing on August 8. The day started out wet but the weather cooperated a bit later, allowing over 70 golfers to enjoy the afternoon. A big thank you to Sonny, the volunteers who worked tirelessly and our golfers who supported this event!
We are moving full speed ahead with our annual reception scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022 at the Hilton DoubleTree in Skokie, Illinois. Please visit our reception page under "Upcoming Events" to reserve your seat at this great event and/or to buy an ad in our program book!
SEPTEMBER 2022 - As always, summer was too short but we sure did have fun! A very successful picnic and a very successful golf outing (which started out wet but then the sun started shining). Thanks to all of you who attended and supported these events. There's more to come!
Our condolences to Associate member, Judge Diann Marsalek on the passing of her father, retired Judge Edward Marsalek. Judge Edward Marsalek served our country in the Marine Corps during World War II and served as a Judge until his retirement in 1989. May his memory be for a blessing.
We are moving full speed ahead with our annual reception, scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022 at the Hilton DoubleTree in Skokie. Please click on "Upcoming Events" above to purchase your entry to this awesome event or to buy an ad in our program book.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:15 PM. As always, we will be meeting at the Bernard Horwich JCC, 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago. Light refreshments will be served, but please bring your own beverage. This is an in-person meeting ... no Zoom.
We wish all of our members and their families as well as our supporters and friends a very Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year. May Year 5783 bring all of you joy and prosperity!
Tickets are still available for the Emerald Society dinner on October 1 and the German American Police Association (GAPA) dinner on October 21. Please email Bruce Rottner at bruce.rottner@gmail.com if you're interested in attending either or both of these dinners.
Our sincere condolences to the family of Lifetime and founding Shomrim Society member, Bernard (Bernie) Shuman who passed away on September 20. Bernie served on our Board for many years. An Army veteran, Bernie honorably served the citizens of Chicago on the Chicago Police Department for over 38 years. Services for Bernie have been held. May his memory be for a blessing.
OCTOBER 2022 - We once again want to wish all of our members and their families, our loyal supporters and our friends who celebrate, a very Healthy and Happy New Year. We know that past few years have been challenging for many, but we are looking forward to many good things happening in 5783!
Mazel Tov to our Recording Secretary, Sergeant Ari Briskman of the Lake County Illinois Sheriff's Office on being selected as our "First Responder of the Year". Ari will be among those honored at our annual reception n Thursday, November 3. If you haven't yet signed up for our reception, please do so now by going to "Upcoming Events" above. We're filling up fast and you won't want to miss this year's reception!
We still have (free) tickets available for the German American Police Association (GAPA) dinner scheduled for Friday, October 21. We also anticipate having available seats for the Italian American Police Association and the Asian Alliance of Law Enforcement Association dinner, both scheduled for Saturday, November 5. Contact us if you're interested in attending any of these dinners.
Chanukah Party Chair Ari Briskman has announced that our annual Chanukah Party will be held on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2022 from 3:30-6:30 PM at Nickel City in Northbrook. Check your email in the next few weeks for the Evite Ari will be sending out for this always great event. You provide your children and grandchildren ... and we provide the food and nickels!
Mazel Tov to our former President and current 3rd Vice-President, Tamara Margolis on her promotion to the rank of Captain in the Chicago Police Department. Tamara is a 24 year veteran of CPD and held a number of assignments throughout her career. We wish Tamara all the best as she embarks on this new journey!
Evites for our Chanukah Party on Sunday, December 18 have been sent to all members. Please check your email and if you're planning on coming, kindly send in your response!
Scholarship applications for 2023 will be sent out in early November. Remember, you must be a regular or regular retired member who has paid dues for the past three (3) consecutive years for your child or grandchild to be eligible to apply.
NOVEMBER 2022 - Our annual reception is scheduled for Thursday, November 3 at the DoubleTree in Skokie, Illinois. Don't miss it!
Evites have been sent via email to our members for our annual Chanukah Party. The party is scheduled for Sunday, December 18, 2022 from 3:30 to 6:30 PM at Nickel City, 555 Waukegan Rd. in Northbrook. If you're coming to this always fun event, please be sure to respond to the Evite.
Over 240 guests attended our annual reception on November 3. Our first reception in two years was a rousing success, thanks to the hard work of President David Appel, Trustees Andy Block & Joanna Benjamin and several others. Thanks to all of you who attended!
Scholarship application have been emailed out. The deadline for submitting an application is Saturday, December 17.
The Nominating Committee will announce it's slate of officers & trustees for 2023-2024 at our next meeting on November 16.
Mazel Tov to incoming trustee Matt Rochman on his marriage to the lovely Ashley Iglow!
At our November meeting, a slate of officers and trustees for 2023-2024 were presented to the members present. As there were no challenges to any of the positions, this slate will be approved at our December 13 meeting. Mazel Tov to all of our new officers and trustees!
DECEMBER 2022 - Holiday season is upon us, as well as the colder weather. To all of our first responders out there who are working during these cold days and nights ... stay safe and warm!
Please respond to the Evite sent to you for our annual Chanukah Party on December 18. We'll be at Nickel City in Northbrook from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. Bring the kids for a fun afternoon.
Scholarship applications have been sent to all members. The deadline for submitting the application is Saturday, December 17. Please submit your application as soon as possible. Remember, you must be a regular or retired regular member and have paid your dues for the past three (3) consecutive years for your child or grandchild to be eligible for a scholarship.
We will be sending out our 2023 dues renewal application in mid-December. You will also be able to access the application and pay your dues online on this site. We have not raised our dues in 35 years. Dues are still $20.00 for regular and associate members and $10.00 for retired members. Such a deal! Please fill out the membership form when it becomes available to protect your benefits.
Mazel Tov to our 2023-2024 officers and trustees who were elected at our December meeting. We welcome Rachel (Drizner) Paxson, Matt Rochman, and Eugene Novikov to our Board!
Our condolences to longtime associate member Justice Robert Gordon and his wife Marilyn on the passing of their son, Jonathan Gordon. May his memory be for a blessing.
Our Chanukah Party held on December 18 was a smashing success! Over 100 members, guests and their kids had a wonderful afternoon of playing games and feasting on food. Thanks to event Chair Ari Briskman and his team for managing this great party!
As 2022 comes to a close, we want to thank all of our members and friends for your support this year. The prior two years were indeed challenging but as always, we not only remained strong ... we actually thrived! We wish all of you a very healthy and happy 2023, and to our first responders who necessarily have to work during the holiday season, stay safe. We appreciate you.
Shomrim Society of Illinois 2023 News
JANUARY 2023 - We want to wish all of our members, friends, and supporters a healthy & happy 2023!
Mazel Tov to our six scholarship recipients for 2023. One recipient was granted the $2000.00, "Rusty Cohen Legacy Scholarship" while the other five will receive $1000.00 scholarships for the 2023 school year.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at the Bernard Horwich JCC located at 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago. The meeting will begin at 7:15 PM. We'll be discussing our plans for 2023 as well as reviewing 2022. Come on by and see some old friends ... and make some new ones!
We are currently working on an installation brunch for our installation of officers and trustees for 2023-2024. More information will be shared with you in the very near future.
Our Installation Brunch will be held on Sunday, February 19, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at EJs Pizzeria located at 9149 Gross Point Road in Skokie, Illinois. Entry to the brunch is $10.00 per person and may be paid by going to the "Upcoming Events" tab above. An Evite was sent to all members. If you did not receive the Evite, please let us know!
Mazel Tov to Board member Matt Rochman and his lovely wife, Ashley on the birth of their beautiful new daughter, Leah Reese!
The regular February meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, 2023 has been canceled. The meeting for February will take place at the Installation Brunch on February 19. Hope to see you there!
FEBRUARY 2023 - Another month closer to spring! We hope all of you are doing well whether you're in the Chicago area or have decided to spend the winter in a warmer climate. We have some exciting events coming up for you!
Don't forget to register for the Installation Brunch on February 19. You can register on our website and please also return the Evite you should have received to event chair Joanna Benjamin.
It's Lox & Bagel Shoot time again! This year's "shoot" is scheduled for Sunday, April 30, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Caliber Gun Range in Waukegan, Illinois. There will be separate pricing for members and guests this year. You will be notified when registration for the L & B Shoot is open on our website. Stay tuned!
A huge THANK YOU to our newest Lifetime Honorary member, Joe Gallardo. Joe becomes the first honorary lifetime member in quite a while. Joe is a military veteran, a Chicago police officer assigned to the Traffic Section and a longtime member of the Chicago Garda Pipes & Drums. Thank you, Joe!
We are saddened by the recent passing of former member Dale Harris. Dale served on the Chicago Police Department for 31 years, retiring in 2014. He then worked for the TSA at O'Hare Airport before retiring to a western state. May his memory be for a blessing.
MARCH 2023 - Strange weather days, but we're not complaining! We look forward to spring and to some great Shomrim events coming up!
Mazel Tov to our "first lady," President David Appel's wife, Miriam. An executive at McDonald's Corporation, Miriam just received the 2022 McDonald's Presidents' Award. The President's Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of the top 1% of McDonald's corporate segment, and market staff employees globally. A wonderful achievement by a wonderful person!
It's time to sign up for our annual Lox & Bagel Shoot on Sunday, April 30 at the Caliber Gun Range in Waukegan. Go to our webpage and you'll find all the information you need under "Upcoming Events." Space is limited so sign up now!
Mazel Tov to Honorary Lifetime member Joe Gallardo who was just promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Chicago Police Department. Way to go, Joe!
Mazel Tov to Associate member, Scott Tzinberg who was just appointed a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Scott is a longtime supporter of the Shomrim Society and will do a great job on the bench!
APRIL 2023 - As we approach Passover, we want to wish all of our members, their families as well as our friends and supporters a very healthy and happy Pesach.
Just a reminder that our April meeting date has been changed to Tuesday, April 18 due to the holidays.
The Lox & Bagel Shoot is fast approaching! Please sign up now on our website for a great morning of food, fraternity and shooting holes in paper targets! We will have 1500 rounds of 9mm ammunition available to you thanks to our friends at MAGEN Chicago.
Mazel Tov to our own Rabbi Moshe Wolf for receiving a beautiful plaque from the Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC). This is where the civilian police and fire dispatchers work out of and it's truly a stressful job. The Rabbi's frequent visits and words of wisdom always brightens their days. The plaque was presented to Rabbi Wolf for all of his dedicated service to first responders, both sworn and civilian.
Our condolences to Lisa Gendell, wife of our former "Man of the Year," Scott Gendell on the passing of her father, Alan Edelson. Mr. Edelson was a successful businessman and a former Marine. May his memory be for a blessing.
We offer our condolences to long time member Leslie Smulevitz (CPD Sergeant, retired) on the passing of his dear wife, Beverly. Beverly was a beloved wife, mother and grandmother. May her memory be for a blessing.
MAY 2023 - Well, we hope the cold days of winter are over and we can all start to engage in outdoor activities! Of course, our first responders are always engaged in outdoor activities! Stay safe out there ...
Over 50 members and guests attended our Lox & Bagel Shoot on April 30. It was a great day and we truly appreciate all who attended and our volunteers to worked so hard at our event. Our thanks also goes out to MAGEN Chicago and Mariano's for their support of this event.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 9 at the Horwich JCC on Touhy Avenue in Chicago. We start at 7:15 PM. We hope you'll join us!
On Tuesday evening, May 30, some of our members were able to meet new Chicago Cubs player Matt Mervis before the game. Matt played college baseball for Duke University and played for the Israeli National Baseball team earlier this year. He was recently brought up from Triple-A ball by the Cubs. Pictured with Matt (l-r) are members Joe Gliner (and kids!), Joe Gallardo, Board member Jake Dickman, Past President Marc Buslik, President David Appel and Board member Joanna Benjamin. In addition, our 2016 "Man of the Year," JNF/JF President Lonnie Nasatir had the honor of throwing out the first pitch. Special thanks to our Director of Special Activities, Elliot Cohen for suggesting we meet Matt and to Marc Buslik for making it happen!
Welcome to new member Lisa Michelle Kaplan, an East Troy, WI police officer.
JUNE 2023 - It's just about summertime and a lot is happening over the next several months, including our picnic on July 30 and our golf outing on August 7. Check out both of these events on our website!
We had a great meeting on Tuesday, June 13. Very well attended and a lot of discussion about future Shomrim events and the possibility of several dinner meetings later this year.
We welcomed three new members at our June meeting ... Sheriff of McHenry County Robb Tadelman, Long Grove Firefighter/Paramedic Jeff Baygood, and Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Daniel Goldberg. Thanks for joining!
Our picnic is fast approaching! Mark your calendar for Sunday, July 30 at Camp Apachi in Northbrook. All currently paid members, their families and friends are invited for free! There will be plenty of food, games for the kids, the swimming pool and paddle boat pond, a canine demonstration and other delights. Some great raffle and auction prizes will also be available. Check out our website for further information.
JULY 2023 - Summertime activities are in full swing and so is the Shomrim Society!
Mazel Tov to our former "Person of the Year," Judge Megan Goldish who will be sworn in as the President of the Decalogue Society of Lawyers President at the Society's annual dinner on July 11. Also being recognized for their service to the community are Shomrim Society supporters Alderman Debra Silverstein and attorney Howard Ankin.
We are having a picnic! On July 30, we will once again be at Z-Frank Camp Apachi from noon to 4:00 PM for a wonderful afternoon of food, games, prizes, swimming, demonstrations, and ... did we mention food?? Please respond to the Evite all members were sent in late June. This year will be bigger and better, if that's possible!
Calling all golfers ... and those who wish they were! Our annual golf outing is scheduled for Monday, August 7 at the Arboretum Club in Buffalo Grove. Even if you don't play, you can still support your Shomrim Society by sponsoring a hole, and/or joining us for the wonderful dinner afterwards. All the information regarding the outing is on our website under "upcoming events."
Mazel Tov to our 1st Vice-President, Justin Homer who was just both promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Chicago Police Department. Justin currently serves as a detective in Area 3 will start his sergeant's training on July 24. Congratulations!
AUGUST 2023 - It's been a great summer so far. Our annual picnic on July 30 was a smashing success! Over 150 of our members, their families, and friends enjoyed a simply beautiful day at Camp Apachi. Check out the photos under "past events" on the website menu. Thanks so Justin & Amy Homer for all of their hard work managing this event!
Our condolences to the family of longtime Shomrim supporter, the honorable Judge Jordan (Jordy) Kaplan. Judge Kaplan attended many of our events and was a true friend to police officers. May his memory be for a blessing.
In the very near future, members will receive invitations to our annual reception, scheduled for Thursday, November 9 at the Hilton DoubleTree in Skokie. You may preview the reception by clicking on "Upcoming Events" on our website.
We have had a slight problem with our website and it's security certificate. This is our website hosting company's issue, which they are working on. Hopefully, our site will once again be secure within a few days (today is August 6). Thanks for your patience.
Our website is once again secure, including payments for dues and events. Thanks for your patience!
A great time was had by all at our 25th Annual Golf Outing on August 7. The weather cooperated and over 70 golfers tore the course up (some literally!). Great food, great prizes and simply a fun day. A big round of applause goes to a true Shomrim Society "treasure," Golf Chair Sonny Lukatsky who once again planned and executed a wonderful outing. A big thanks to our volunteers and to one of our biggest supporters, Stan Lerner, a real mensch. Check our "Past Events" tab for pictures of this event.
Once again, Mazel Tov to 1st Vice-President Justin Homer on his promotion to Sergeant of Police in the Chicago Police Department! Justin is now assigned to the 19th District (Wrigleyville area) Our best wishes to Justin!
Complimentary High Holiday tickets are being offered to our members and their immediate families by the Chicago Loop Synagogue in Chicago and Ezra-Habonim in Skokie. Check your email for further details.
SEPTEMBER 2023 - Summer is just about over and what a fabulous summer it was. Both our annual picnic and golf outing were highly successful. Our membership is also growing as more young Jewish men and women are becoming first responders. We look forward to a great Fall ... perhaps not so much the winter weather that always comes too soon!
Mazel Tov to past president, retired CPD Commander Marc Buslik. Marc earned the "Innovation in Policing" award from the prestigious American Society of Criminology. He was recognized for his longtime service to law enforcement, the Collaborative Police Legitimacy model that he developed, and sharing his knowledge as an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois. Well done, Commander!
We are a little over two months away from our annual reception. If you are planning on attending (and we hope you are), please go to the "Upcoming Events" tab above where you can register and pay for this event. Our honorees include JCC Chicago, past president Steve Marchfield, Associate member David Williams, and our "First Responder of the Year" to be named prior to the event.
L' Shana Tova to all of our members and friends! May you all have a very healthy & happy New Year.
OCTOBER 2023 - We're moving into the last quarter of 2023 ... where did this year go?? There's a lot of good things coming up including our annual reception, our Chanukah Party and our Scholarship applications which should go out in a few weeks. Join your brother and sister Shomers at our next meeting on October 10!
We are very proud of our new member, McHenry Sheriff Robb Tadelman who we believe is the highest ranking Jewish law enforcment officer in the State of Illinois. It was great to see Robb at our October meeting!
The Shomrim Society of Illinois condemns the evil terrorist attacks from Hamas , and fully support Israel's right to defend themselves and their citizens from these unprovoked and heinous attacks. We are in solidarity with those suffering in the wake of this evil and we embrace our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel and around the world. The Shomrim Society of Illinois has made a substantial financial donation to several organizations in Israel that provide direct aid to IDF soldiers those caring for the many wounded.
Mazel Tov to our 1st Vice-President, CPD Sergeant Justin Homer who has been selected as our 2023 "First Responder of the Year." Justin will be among those honored at our annual reception on November 9.
Another Mazel Tov to our President, David Appel who was recently elected 1st Vice-President of the National Conference of Shomrim Societies.
NOVEMBER 2023 - It looks like the warm days are behind us; let's hope Mother Nature is kind to us this winter!
Mazel Tov to Lifetime Member, Lieutenant Gary Merrill on his retirement from the Cook County Sheriff's Office after 28 years. Gary is one of most fervant supporters and served the people of Cook County with distinction. We wish Gary many, many happy years ahead!
November 9 was simply a wonderful evening at our 62nd annual reception. Over 250 of our members and guests truly enjoyed themselves. We appreciate all the support we received, even from those who couldn't attend but donated to our scholarship fund. Mazel tov to all of our awardees and special guests!
Applications for scholarship have been sent out via email to all members. The deadline for submitting the application is Saturday, December 23. Please read the attached criteria information to ensure your child or grandchild is eligible to apply.
We will be hosting a Chanukah luncheon on Sunday, December 10, 2023. The luncheon will be held at the Bernard Horwich JCC, 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. An Evite has been sent to all active and currently paid members. Please respond by December 3.
We wish all of our members, their families, as well as our supporters and friends a happy & healthy Thanksgiving!
DECEMBER 2023 - We're hoping all the forecasts are true and we'll be having a warmer than usual winter. Some of our retired members have already fled to Florida and Arizona for the winter. There's something to be said for waking up to 80 degree weather in January & February!
Our Chanukah Luncheon on December 10 was well attended and a very enjoyable time was had be all who feasted on lox, bagels, herring, and other treats. A huge thank you to event Chair Ari Briskman and his wife, Stefani for all their hard work and to Cantor Heri Chuloff for entertaining us!
Rabbi Wolf's wife, Chaya underwent surgery but is now recovering at home and getting stronger each day. Give the Rabbi a call and wish Chaya well.
We spoke to past Shomrim Treasurer and retired CPD Deputy Chief Marv Shear recently. Marv spent four days in the hospital but is now home and doing great!
Former Shomrim President Steve Chasen is leaving the state of Florida ... for Myrtle Beach, SC. Steve and his wife Sandy want to be closer to their daughter & grandkids who reside there. As a grandparent ourself ... we totally understand! Best wishes to Steve & Sandy on their next adventure.
We wish all of you a very healthy and happy holiday season!
Shomrim Society of Illinois 2024 News JANUARY 2024 - Happy New Year! December is behind us and ... so far, so good! It's not Florida (which is experiencing cooler than normal temps right now) but it's still better than previous years. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't have to pull out the snow blower too many times this year.
Our January 9 meeting has been CANCELLED. Our next regular meeing will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at the Bernard Horwich JCC.
The Shomrim Society recently made a $1500.00 donation to JCC-Chicago, our 2023 "Organization of the Year." JCC-Chicago plans to use our donation to support IDF soldiers fighting in the current war. Pictured is Addie Goodman, President & CEO of JCC-Chicago being presented with our check by President David Appel.
Mazel Tov to longtime member Scott Sophier on his well deserved promotion to the rank of Commander on the Evanston (IL) Police Department. Scott has always been a dedicated and hard working law enforcement professional and we are proud of him. Pictured below are Scott with his lovely wife, Deborah and their children.
FEBRUARY 2024 - Well, every day without snow is another day closer to Spring! We hope you're all doing well and staying safe and warm this winter.
Our February meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 7:15 PM at the Bernard Horwich JCC, 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago. There's plenty of free parking in the west lot. Light refreshments will be served; however, please bring your own beverage.
Mazel Tov to our President, David Appel on being elected for a second term as 2nd Vice-President of the National Conference of Shomrim Societies.
MARCH 2024 - With warmer weather approaching, we look forward to a spring and summer filled with Shomrim Society and other events. Stay in touch here on our website for all the latest news!
Our March 2024 meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the Bernard Horwich JCC located at 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago. The meeting begins at 7:15 PM. As always, light refreshments will be served.
Get ready for our LOX & BAGEL SHOOT! The date is Sunday, May 5, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This event will be held at the North Shore Sports Club located in Lake Forest, Illinois. The Lox and Bagel Shoot is for currently paid members and their guests. An email will be sent to all members detailing this event. The price remains the same as last year ... $15.00 for members and $20.00 per guest. You will be able to register and pay here on our website by going to "Upcoming Events" and clicking on the "2024 Lox & Bagel Shoot" tab. The registration page should be up and running by Monday, March 11.
Mazel Tov to Board member Jacob (Jake) Dickman who was recently promoted to Assistant Deputy Chief Paramedic for the Chicago Fire Department. This makes Jake the highest-ranking Jewish member of the CFD. Well done!
APRIL 2024 - Spring is once again upon us, but anyone who has lived in Chicago for any length of time knows to keep the snow shovel and car snow brush handy!
If you haven't resistered for our Lox & Bagel Shoot on May 5 yet, what are you waiting for? Go to "Upcoming Events" in our menu above and click on 2024 Lox & Bagel Shoot. You'll be able to register, pay the very nominal fee and, if you plan to shoot, fill out a waiver for the range. We hope to see you there!
We want to wish one of our founding member, Harold (Sonny) Lukatsky a very happy birthday. Sonny turned a young 93 years old on April 5. Sonny is still very involved in the Shomrim Society and continues to chair our annual golf outing. Sonny has always been a friend and mentor to many of us. We wish him continued good health and happiness.
We are planning to join in Israel's 76th Anniversary of Independence on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the Daley Center in Chicago. The event will be held on the Daley Plaza from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM. Please contact Director of Special Activities Elliot Cohen for more information.
MAY 2024 - Spring seems to be in full bloom and we welcome back our snowbirds who spent this past winter in warmer climates ... although this winter wasn't too bad!
We hope to see you at our Lox & Bagel Shoot on May 5 in Lake Forest, Illinois. If you haven't registered, you still have time. Go to the "Upcoming Events" menu above and click on "2024 Lox & Bagel Shoot."
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 14 at the Bernard Horwich JCC, 3003 W. Touhy Avenue in Chicago. Our meeting begins at 7:15 PM. If you haven't attended a meeting in awhile, this is your chance!
Our Annual Picnic Chairs, Justin & Amy Homer are already working very hard to make this year's picnic another successful event. The date of the picnic is Sunday, July21, 2024, once again at the JCC's Camp Apachi in Northbrook. Next month all members will receive an Evite that you can respond to for the picnic. The picnic is for currently paid members and their guests.
Another Lox & Bagel Shoot is in the books! We had a wonderful turn-out at our new Lake Forest range. Over 80 of our members, their guests and Hadassah members feasted on the lox and bagel buffet and had a great time on the range. We truly appreciate the support and assistance of Magen Chicago who's members served as range officers and supported us financially as well. We also appreciate the support of Hadassah Chicago-North Shore. And ... a huge "THANK YOU" to the fine folks at the "kosher" Mariano's at Touhy & McCormick in Skokie for supplying our wonderful lox & bagel brunch. Finally, thanks to our members including our president, David Appel, Elliot & Karen Cohen, Lisa Kaplan, Jeff Sacks, Manny Silver, Andy Block, Dennis Grant and your humble editor for their hard work managing this event.
Mazel Tov to Lifetime Shomrim member, Judge Megan Goldish on her election as Recording Secretary of the Woman's Bar Association of Illinois! Judge Goldish will be installed in her new position at the WBAI's gala in the near future.
Over a half a dozen of our members voulunteered their time to provide extra sets of "eyes and ears" to ensure a safe & peaceful Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration (Israel's 76th Day of Independence) at the Daley Center in Chicago. Kudos to our Director of Special Activities, Elliot Cohen who coordinated this effort on our behalf!
Our condolences to our former president and retired Chicago Police commander Marc Buslik on the passing of his sister, Mrs. Ileen Falk. May her memory be a blessing.
Attention Golfers! Our 26th annual golf outing is scheduled for Friday, September 13, 2024 at the Arboretum Club in Buffalo Grove. You can go to "Upcoming Events" and click on the "2024 Golf Outing" tab for more information and payment options.
JUNE 2024 - We're approaching the summer months and it seems that summer is already here in the Chicago area! With these unusually hot, humid days, remember to stay hydrated while you're working, and check on your older relatives and neighbors.
We had a very well attended meeting on June 18. We were happy to greet new member Dan Keeler (Sergeant-Evanston PD) and see a few of our members who we haven't seen for a few months.
Remember to respond to our Evite for our annual picnic on Sunday, July 21. If you're planning to attend and still haven't, please do. This is how we make sure we have enough food and everything else ... for everyone!
Our annual golf outing is Friday, September 13. This is the ONLY event we hold that funds the Shomrim Society of Illinois (the Shomrim Endowment Fund is a separate entity). Even if you're not a golfer, please solicit your friends or especially people you do business with and have given money to over the years ... your insurance broker, your dentist, your auto repair shop ... for a sponsor sign. A sign is only $100.00 and the proceeds help fund your organization for the year.
Safe travels to our Rabbi, Moshe Wolf who has traveled to Israel with his wife, Chaya to visit their children and grandchildren.
Mark your calendar for Thursday, November 14. We will be holding our "Community Heroes" reception once again at the Hilton-DoubleTree Hotel in Skokie. We will be honoring among others, Magen David Adom. Our keynote speaker will be the Honorable Debra Silverstein, alderwoman of the 50th Ward in Chicago. More information and a webpage will be available in the near future.
Thanks to Board member Joanna Benjamin (CPD) and member Marcus Shepard (CPD) for representing the Shomrim Society at the Chicago Police Department's Family Day, held recently at the CPD training academy.
We just spoke to founding member & past president Leroy Levy (retired CPD Sergeant). Leroy celebrated his 92nd birthday in May. He recently broke his left arm in an accident but is recovering. We wish Leroy & his wife, Irma all the best!
JULY 2024 - Summer is finally here as evidenced by the hot and muggy days. For all of our members working all the special events in the City and the suburbs ... stay hydrated but more importantly, stay safe!
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9 at the Bernard Horwich JCC in Chicago. If you haven't attended a meeting in a while, stop by!
Our annual picnic is scheduled for Sunday, July 21, 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM (food will be served beginning at 12 noon) at "Z" Frank Camp Apachi in Northbrook. We've had a great response to this event so far. If you haven't responded to the Evite you received last month, please do so. We want to ensure there's enough food for everyone! If you didn't receive the Evite or may have accidentially deleted it, please let us know.
Mazel Tov to our Associate member, Danny Goldberg! An Assistant State's Attorney with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, Danny was selected by the JUF as one of their, "36 Under 36." Read the entire article by clicking on the link below. Well done, Danny!
AUGUST 2024 - Wow ... this summer flew by. There's still some warm days ahead before the fall season is upon us, so go out and enjoy yourself! To our members and friends who will be working long days and nights at the Democratic National Convention, please stay safe.
The weather was wonderful and the food was great at our annual picnic on July 21. Over 160 of our members and their guests were treated to hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob and other treats. If you couldn't make it this year, there's always next year! Kudos to Amy & Justin Homer, our picnic chairs who worked so hard to ensure the success of this event. Andy Block & Matt Savage were at the grill all day and we truly appreciate all of our other volunteers who worked so hard to make certain everyone had a great time. Pictures will be posted under "Past Events" shortly.
Rabbi Wolf and his wife Chaya recently spent two weeks in Israel, visiting some of their children and grandchildren who live there. The Rabbi told us it was a truly wonderful trip.
Great job by our first responder members who participated in the Democratic National Convention. Even with the long days and nights, and the canceled days-off, you all stepped up to the plate. Thank G-d there were no major incidents and only minor injuries. Kudos to you all!
SEPTEMBER 2024 - Another summer is just about behind us and we've got some great fall events coming up!
Our annual golf outing is scheduled for Friday, September 13 at the Arboretum Club in Buffalo Grove. Chairman Sonny Lukatsky has been working tirelessly to make this year's outing another success. Information on the outing can be found under "Upcoming Events."
The annual reception is scheduled for Thursday, November 14 at the DoubleTree Hilton in Skokie. More information will be forthcoming on our "Upcoming Events" page along with online payment information.
Our sincere condolences to past president and founding member, (Sgt.) Leroy Levy on the passing of his beloved wife, Irma. Leroy and Irma had been married for 67 years. We always enjoyed seeing Irma at all of our events in the past. Services have been held. Our condolences to Leroy and their sons, Steven, Daniel, and Robert. May Irma's memory be a blessing.
Over 80 golfers enjoyed a beautiful day, great food, and great prizes at our annual golf outing on September 13. Kudos to Chairman Sonny Lukatsky and his dedicated group of volunteers, and thank you to all who attended!
Our condolences to Associate member, Judge James (Jim) Shapiro on the passing of his mother, Sandy. Sandy led an extraordinary life and will be missed. Funeral services were held in New York. May Sandy's memory be a blessing.
Mazel Tov to Shomrim Board member Matt Savage on his promotion to Sergeant in the Chicago Police Department. Matt was assigned to the Forensic Services Division of the CPD and also serves our country as a Lt. Colonel in the United State's Army Reserve. Congratulation to Matt and his wife, former Shomrim Society "Woman of the Year," Judge Megan Goldish!
OCTOBER 2024 - Fall is upon us and we're looking forward to cooler weather and celebrating our New Year. We wish all of our members, their families, and our friends a healthy and peaceful 5785. We continue to pray for our brothers and sister in the State of Israel during these challenging times.
A Nominating Committee will be selected at our October meeting. The Committee, comprised of all past presidents and five members selected by President Appel will recommend a slate of officers & trustees for 2025-2026. This slate will be presented to the membership at the November meeting. If any regular or retired regular member wants to contest and run for a Board position, he or she must be present at the November meeting and must have ten (10) seconds at the meeting to contest or run for an office. An election would then be held at our December meeting. On the other hand, if there is no objection or member who wishes to run for an office, then the slate presented by the Nominating Committee will be approved by one vote at our December meeting. This is all in accordance with our constitution and by-laws.
Our reception is filling up fast! It's going to be a great evening on Thursday, November 14, so go to "Upcoming Events" on our webpage menu and click on the reception page. You'll be able to convienently purchase entry using Paypal. Remember ... all proceeds from our reception benefit our Scholarship Fund. We have already given almost $160,00 in educational grants to our member's children and grandchildren. Our reception is our biggest fundraiser of the year, so please support your organization!
Our sincere condolences to longtime Life Honorary member Ron Weiss on the passing of his wife of 46 years, Wendy Weiss. Wendy was a shining light ... a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and friend to many. Ron's company, Shirts Our Business (SOB) donated thousands of items for police benefits throughout the years and Wendy was an important part of that. We will all miss her. Wendy's funeral will be Friday, October 25 in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Once again, our condolences to Ron and their entire family. May Wendy's memory be a blessing.
NOVEMBER 2024 - It's been a mild fall and now we're getting ready for the cold stuff. We're also getting ready for our annual reception on Thursday, November 14 at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in Skokie. Get your entry in now for a fantastic evening!
Scholarship applications for 2025 will be sent out the third week of November via email. If you have a child or grandchild who is eligible for a scholarship, please check your email for the application and criteria. Remember, you must be a regular or retired regular member and have paid your dues for the past three (3) consecutive years for your child or grandchild to be eligible. Send us an email if you're not sure your up to date on your dues.
Our Nominating Committee met in late October and developed a slate of officers and trustees for 2025-2026. If any regular or retired regular member wants to contest any office, he or she must be present at the November meeting and have ten (10) seconds present (regular or retired regular members) to contest any office. If there is no opposition to the slate which will be presented at the November meeting, the slate will be voted upon at our December meeting.
It was a wonderful event on Thursday, November 14. Over 200 members and guests joined us at our 63rd annual reception. Mazel Tov to all of our awardees and a special thanks to Rabbi Moshe Wolf and our President, David Appel for their hard work ensuring the success of this event.
Our slate of officers and trustees for 2025-2026 were approved by the membership at our November meeting. Mazel Tov to our incoming Board and thank you so much for your service to those officers and trustees leaving the Board.
Our 2025 scholarship applications should be emailed to all of you by Saturday, November 23. The deadline for applications will be Saturday, December 21, so you'll have an entire month to fill the applications out and email or snail mail them back.
Our Chanukah Party is scheduled for Sunday, December 29 at (the newly renovated) Nickel City in Northbrook. The party will be from 11:00 Am to 3:00 PM. Check your email for an Evite from Chanukah Party Chairman, Ari Briskman.
DECEMBER 2024 - The cold days of winter are upon us, but let's be positive and think that Spring can't bee too far behind!
Evites have been sent out for our Chanukah Party, scheduled for Sunday, December 29 from 11 AM to 3 PM. We will be returning to the newly renovated Nickel City in Northbrook. If you are planning on attending, please respond and return the Evite you were sent.
Our Board of Directors for 2025-2026 will be voted on at our meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 10. We will be holding and installation of Board members sometime in either January or February. More information to follow.
Applications for scholarships for 2025 have been emailed to our members. The deadline for submitting applications is Saturday, December 21, 2024. If you have not received your application, please contact us at shomrimsocietyofillinois@gmail.com.
Shomrim Society of Illinois 2025 News
JANUARY 2025 - We hope all of you had a Healthy, Happy and SAFE New Year, whether you were home with family, out with friends, or in many cases, necessarily working the streets. We are looking forward to a great 2025!
Almost 100 of our members, their children and guests participated in our annual Chanukah Party on December 29. The newly renovated Nickel City was great as was the food provided to us by Amanda Puck, VP of Roundy's and Mariano's. We wish to thank our other sponsors including Howard Ankin of Ankin Law, Adam Shepard of Shepard Law, Alan Hochman of PastTime Gaming, and Bergie Sports of Highland Park. We certainly appreciated Cantor Hery Chuloff's participation as always at our party. Finally, a huge thank you to Event Chair Ari Briskman, his wife Stefani, and their son for all the hard work they put in to make this event the success it was!
We are planning an installation of new Board members event on Sunday, February 9, 2025 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Bernard Horwich JCC in Chicago. You'll be home in plenty of time for the Super Bowl! More information will be sent to you.
Membership renewals are now due. Please protect your benefits by paying your dues and completing the member form. You may pay and complete the form online by clicking on the "Membership" tab.
Our annual Lox & Bagel Shoot has been scheduled for Sunday, April 27, 2025, once again at the North Shore Sports Club in Lake Forest, Illinois. Look for more information on this great event in the very near future!
FEBRUARY 2025 - Wow! Already into our second month of 2025. We hope those of you who aren't "snowbirds" are staying warm and looking forward to spring!
Our Installation of newly elected Board members will be held on February 9, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Bernard Horwich JCC on Touhy Avenue. Bagels, creams cheeses, and a small desert will be served as well as coffee, juice, and water. This event will serve as our February meeting, so there will not be a meeting on February 11.
Our Lox & Bagel Shoot is scheduled for Sunday, April 27. An Evite has been sent to all of our members. Please respond to the Evite if you're coming, and stay on this website (under "Upcoming Events") to register and pay your entry fee. The "Shoot" is open to our first sixty (60) members and guests who respond. Your 2025 dues must be paid to attend this event. Dues will be accepted at our Lox & Bagel Shoot.
We have confirmed the date for this summer's annual picnic. It will be held onSunday, July 27, 2025, once again at JCC Camp Apachi in Northbrook. We will be sending Evites and updates as the date moves closer.
We have also confirmed the date for our annual reception. We will be holding this annual event on Thursday, November 13, 2025, at the Hilton DoubleTree in Skokie. Among others, we will be honoring the Friends of the IDF, the only organization authorized to raise funds for members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). We hope you reserve this special evening! You will be receiving more information as the date approaches.
MARCH 2025 - We sincerely hope all of our members and friends have survived what hasn't been a "bad" winter in the Chicagoland area. Of course, I was just reminded that we've had a few big snowstorms in late March as well as April and even a few in early May. Let's think positive though!
Our Lox & Bagel Shoot, scheduled for Sunday, April 27 is filling up fast! If you haven't registered yet, please do so now by going to our "Upcoming Events" on this website. Where can you get an unlimited lox & bagel brunch, fire some rounds off and schmooze with friends for $20.00?? We still have spots open, so please register. We will not be accepting members or guests who have not registered at the door on the day of the event. The "Shoot" will once again be held at the North Shore Sports Club in Lake Forest, Illinois.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11 at the Bernard Horwich JCC, 3003 West Touhy Avenue in Chicago. Meetings begin at 7:15 PM and generally last an hour. We hope you'll be able to spend some time with your Shomrim sisters and brothers.
Our annual Golf Outing is scheduled for Monday, August 25, most likely in a new location in Buffalo Grove. More information will be available in the future.
Many of you may have forgotten to pay your 2025 dues. We know life gets in the way, but we haven't raised our dues in over 40 years and it's a really cheap investment for what you get back, including a number of events, some of which are free for paid members, scholarship opportunities for your children & grandchildren, and a death benefit for your named beneficiary. It's easy to pay online if you go to the "Membership" tab on this site. If you're not sure of your member status, contact Treasurer Rottner and he'll let you know.